Entreprenuership, Part 1
(1) Know your network:
You can pretend to be super human and do everything yourself, but without your network, you ain't shit! Sorry to say this but it really is about who you know. For a new business your network is KEY! The people in your network have skills that you need: law, accounting, design,photography, marketing, PR, etc etc. You may very well know how to do a lot of this, but the reality is that you can't do all of it. So, know who your network is and use them! Chances are they also want to see you succeeed so these people will give you their very best and most likely at discounted rates!
(2) Web Presence is EV-ER-Y-THANG!
If you're going to step on the scene as an entrepreneur then step correct! We live on the web, so if your website and social media channels are shitty -- don't exepect anyone to take you seriously. Investing in a proper and legit web presence is like investing in a legit interview suit. If you don't spend the money to invest in your web presence then how can you expect clients to invest/pay for your services or products? When you launch you don't want to look like a rookie who clearly doesn't know what they're doing. If you take your web presence seriously, then so will potential clients/customers.
(3) Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle:
Starting your own business means changing your life. If you aren't ready to make changes in the way you live, then you aren't fully ready to start a business. When you start a business you become the business. Everything you do, say, think, spend will impact your business. Should you spend $100 on shoes, or should that money go towards hiring a lawyer? Should you spend $200 on a night out with friends, or should that money go towards advertising in a local paper? Most businesses start off small, so you ARE the face of the business. You can't get away with presenting something you/business are not. You will change the things you read, the way you approach meeting new people, and the way you speak to people.
*** Disclaimer ***
I am not claiming to have all these things down to the tee. I still stumble and make mistakes but I am very well aware of them and continue to be the best I can be for DIOSA.
Spot on!! Every aspiring entrepreneur (and those still struggling) needs to keep these points in mind! Thanks for the great representation of what our life is really like.