Be inspried by Rachel Luna:
Sometimes I stand in awe of my gorgeous family, adventurous lifestyle & financial freedom, and wonder –– How did I get here? Growing up in the concrete jungle of NYC, I dreamt of twinkling lights, red carpets and cristal-clinking galas. I thought I was destined for fame.
But a conversation at Footlocker changed everything. I was 16 when a co-worker said she was joining the Marine Corps. Even though I was 4’11, suffered from activity induced asthma and was athletically challenged (I was the girl who made excuses to get out of gym class), I wanted in!
As crazy as it sounds, I wanted to prove to myself I could do it. At 19, I enlisted in the Reserves. Four years later, I was deployed to Iraq.
After returning to the U.S., my journey took me from the audition rooms of LA(where I kept forgetting my lines) to scraping by on waitress tips to the prestigious boardrooms of Goldman Sachs. I found corporate America dull and Hollywood egocentric, so I went running back to my beloved Corps.Eighteen countries & four languages(ish) later, I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life!
In 2006, I was stationed as a caregiver for wounded warriors at a hospital in Germany –– it changed EVERYTHING. Here I came to know men with missing limbs, gruesome burns and other life-altering conditions. Their positive determination to rebuild their lives forever changed my outlook –– life’s too short to continue living other people’s dreams.
I knew I wanted to combine my love of performance with my desire to change lives, but wasn’t sure how to do it. I also had a lot of debt ($40,000 to be precise), failed relationships and plain ole fear weighing me down. So, I invested in myself and hired a life coach to help me work through the sludge –– and it paid off!
Within ONE year (I kid you not) I got completely out of debt, met & married the man of my dreams and clarified my calling: empowering women to actively create their own lives. I don’t tell you this to brag –– today my life is far from perfect –– but to let you know YOU TOO can live your dreams. It all starts with a decision.
Why was Rachel selected?
Rachel's story leaves no room for excuses. She worked through the highs and the lows to get to where she is today. Our path to success isn't always a straight path. There are times when we want to pull off on the side of the road and set up camp permanently. Rachel's story tells us to keep driving until get to your destination. It's OK to make some pit stops as long as we don't get complacent.
Rachel started her family, her business, and even wrote a book overseas. If she can do it from the other side of the world, then what's stopping us from chasing our dreams here?
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