BRASS: Documentarian

City: Cerritos/Long Beach
Occupation: Documentarian

Be Inspired by BRASS: 

According to philosopher Ayn Rand, "a culture is made, or destroyed, by its articulate voices". While I'm not a writer or an orator, my passion is the storytelling of various sub-cultures using the mediums of photography and documentary films. After studying Political Science at the University of Southern California, I dove right into the entertainment industry working in BET's Animation department. Production Assistant by day, LA Hip Hop photographer and chronicler by night I eventually went on to be published in magazines like VIBE and The Source for my candid portraiture of Kendrick Lamar and Schoolboy Q, respectively. Keeping up with the ever-changing demands of internet media I began filming various documentaries which include the series Art Goon'in and The Internet [Documentary] that chronicles the lives of a few of Odd Future's lesser known members. I'm currently working on a documentary entitled NAILgasm, that explores the current Nail Art explosion that is taking place across the globe and its surprising impact on female entrepreneurship.

    Why was BRASS selected?

    Simply said: Brass has moxie! 

    From the time we are born we learn about the "American Dream": Do well in high school >> go to college >> find a secure job with benefits >> get married >> have two kids >> own a home with a white picket fence and a cute dog.

    Brass made and followed her own American Dream: BRASS' Dream! She is young and already well on her way to making a culturally and fashionably significant documentary. Yes, this is her full-time job and she loves it! She not only dreamt of one day making a documentary and traveling the world while doing it, she is actually doing it.

    DIOSA highlighted BRASS' story to let you know that it's OK to dream big and that it's OK to have the audacity to try to pull it off. 


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    • Go Brass!! Can;t wait to see the docu and everything else you dream to do

      • craftcity
    • i can say that it has definitely been a pleasure getting to know you and that i can’t wait to see where Nailgasm takes off.

      • Isis Nicole
    • this is so cool! thanks for featuring me <3

      • BRASS